Thursday 5 January 2012

Digital electronics

Define digital electronics and discuss about it.


Electronics Club for Engineers said...

Digital Electronics refers to the field of electronics that deals with digital signals, i.e., signals that exist at discrete or quantized levels only.

In fact, digital electronics which is known today deals with signals that are represented by only two discrete levels or 'binary states' i.e., 1 and 0.

A level '0', or 'low' state, may be represented by zero volt (0 V), while a level '1', or 'high' state, may be represented by a higher voltage, say 5 V.

Electronics Club for Engineers said...

Digital electronics involves the storage, processing, receiving, and transmission of information in the form of digital signals, or a train of pulses both low(0 Volts) and high(5 Volts) that correspond to 0's and 1's, respectively.

Electronics Club for Engineers said...

Digital signals may be converted into analog signals by using devices known as digital-to-analog converters (DAC's.