Friday 6 January 2012

Analog electronics

Define analog electronics and discuss about it.


Electronics Club for Engineers said...

Analog Electronics refers to the field of electronics that deals with analog or 'real-world' signals.

An analog signal is a signal that is both variable and continuous, and therefore allowed to assume any value between its applicable lower and upper limits.

This is in contrast with a digital signal, which can only assume discrete or quantized values. Analog signals represent waveforms that are commonly encountered by humans in the real world.

Electronics Club for Engineers said...

For example, one's voice is translated into an analog electrical signal that can be transmitted continuously over wires, received on the other end, and made to vibrate a speaker that translates the analog electrical signal back into sound waves again.

Electronics Club for Engineers said...

Although our society is becoming more and more digital everyday, the output of a digital system almost always needs to be converted back into analog form in one way or another for our day-to-day use in the physical world.

Analog signals may be converted into digital signals by devices known as analog-to-digital converters.