Monday 16 January 2012


Discuss briefly about the inductance.
How it will vary by varying its connections? describe.


Electronics Club for Engineers said...

Inductance (L) is defined as the amount of electromotive force (e.m.f.) or voltage induced within a circuit by a change in current flowing through the circuit.

A component fabricated to exhibit a certain inductance is known as a inductor, which usually consists of a coil of wire through which current is made to flow.

Electronics Club for Engineers said...

When the current flows through an inductor, it produces a magnetic flux that passes through the loops of the coil.

Flux linkage (NΦ) is the product of this magnetic flux (Φ) and the number of loops (N) in coil. The flux linkage changes as current through the coil changes, and it is the change in flux linkage (NΦ) that causes an e.m.f. (V) to be induced in an inductor according to the following equation:
V = -N dΦ/dt.

Self-inductance (L) is also defined as the flux linkage NΦ per current I, so N dΦ/dt = L dI/dt. Thus, V = -L dI/dt.

Electronics Club for Engineers said...

The unit of measurement for inductance is the 'henry', H, which is defined as volt per ampere-sec, which is also equal to ohm-second (volt and ampere are the units of measurement for voltage and current, respectively, while ohm is the unit of measure for resistance).

The higher the inductance, the greater is the voltage induced for a given change in current flow. Inductance is a measure of the ability of a circuit to resist a change in the flow of current through it.

Electronics Club for Engineers said...

When two or more inductors are connected in series, the currents through each of them are equal. However, the corresponding e.m.f. developed across each of them when the current changes differs in accordance with the equation V = -L dI/dt.
The total e.m.f. (Vtotal) produced by a series of inductors experiencing a change in current is equal to the sum of the individual e.m.f.'s produced by each inductor.

Thus, for a given circuit consisting of X inductors connected in series and through which the current changes at a rate of dI/dt,
Vtotal = V1 + V2 + ... + VX = -L1 dI/dt + -L2 dI/dt + ... + -LX dI/dt
where dI/dt is the rate at which the current through the circuit changes and Vi is the corresponding e.m.f. developed across every individual inductance Li. If Leff is the effective inductance of the circuit, then -Leff dI/dt = -L1 dI/dt + -L2 dI/dt + ... + -LX dI/dt, or Leff = L1 + L2 + ... + LX.

Electronics Club for Engineers said...

When two or more inductors are connected in parallel, the voltages across each of them are equal. However, the currents through each of them differs according to the equation: I = 1/L ∫ vdt. The total current Itotal flowing through the circuit is equal to the sum of the individual currents flowing through each inductor. Thus, for a given circuit consisting of X inductors connected in parallel, Itotal = 1/Leff ∫ vdt = 1/L1 ∫ vdt + 1/L2 ∫ vdt + ... + 1/LX ∫ vdt, where Leff is the effective inductance of the entire circuit. This equation may be simplified as follows: 1/Leff = 1/L1 + 1/L2 + ... + 1/LX.

Thus, the reciprocal of the effective self-inductance Leff of X inductors connected in parallel is equal to the sum of the reciprocals of their individual self-inductances. i.e., 1/Leff = 1/L1 + 1/L2 + ... + 1/LX.